Sunday, 6 July 2014

Hope you will keep reading me...!

Well, i have been considering since last 2/3 years to start a blog. Don't know why, but couldn't gather enough courage to move the first step. And then i joined twitter. I would love to thank all my followers there, who encouraged me a lot, its you guys, who had given me the strength to give a concrete shape to my ideas, which would, otherwise, have been lost.
Well, to pen down one's thoughts is not that much easy as it seems. You can write whatever comes in your mind. But what is the point, if you haven't got a single reader? That's what really matters. I don't wanna say one who is not read, isn't a good writer. Infact, (s)he can be the best player of words. But it's also true that a writer or an artist crave for appreciation and this appreciation actually encourages her/him. Don't wanna let you feel bored, so summarizing my first post with this little message,"You people, you readers, make a person a writer or an artist. We are actually nothing without you guys.""

Hope you will keep reading me...!


  1. लिखो और खूब लिखो ! हम पढ़ेंगे न !!

  2. I will wait for your new blog


लिखने बैठे...तो सोचा...

लिखने बैठे, तो सोचा, यूँ लिख तो और भी लेते हैं, ऐसा हम क्या खास लिखेंगे? कुछ लोगों को तो ये भी लगेगा, कि क्या ही होगा हमसे भला, हम फिर कोई ब...